Self and Personal Development ←→Hong Kong Today

    To answer the question of how Hong Kong should maintain or improve the quality of life of its citizens, one can explore the spiritual and materialneeds of individuals from different social groups during their growth process, so as to understand how their bodily and emotional needs can be satisfied. To answer the question of what challenges and opportunities one comes across during adolescence, one should understand the distribution and redistribution of wealth situation in Hong Kong society, and how consumerism and the government's positive non-intervention policy affect the quality of life of youths. Besides, exploring the concept of identity can also help students understand the issue of self-affirmation during the growth process and their identity as Hong Kong citizens.

    To understand the social relationships among youths, it is obviously essential to analyse their ways of communication in Hong Kong today. The concept of communication can also help students understand how Hong Kong residents express and receive opinions in their daily lives, and how Hong Kong residents participate in social and political affairs . For example, how and why do Hong Kong people attach significance to collective memories and participate in the social movement of cultural preservation while carrying their identity as  citizens  of Hong Kong? As contemporary Hong Kong society encourages greater civic participation, exercising one s civil rights and responsibilities through effective participation in social and political affairs is now an important life skill . This skill should help students to deal with various situations of conflict and harmony they face within their social group and among different social groups.

This learning and teaching resource is provided by by Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University.