Self and Personal Development ←→Globalization

    Under the social context of globalization, contemporary Hong Kong youths are facing challenges and opportunities different from those in earlier generations. Faced with increasing global polarisation between the rich and poor, young people today will have less career and further education opportunities than those in the past, and the challenges and competition they face are more severe. This new globalization context will inevitably affect the growth and development of young people who, in the global scarcity of hope , are naturally more inclined to feel  lost . This may lead to an increase in deviant behaviour . Under the impacts of global multiculturalism , young people will be facing different new scenarios of conflict and harmony . In response to the challenges and opportunities that globalization has brought about, and to prepare for their transition to adulthood, adolescents today need equip themselves with new life skills , including information technology skills and skills to communicate with groups from different cultures.
This learning and teaching resource is provided by by Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University.

Relevant Modules, Themes and Questions for Enquiry:
Self and Personal Development > Understanding Oneself
  • What challenges and opportunities does a person have during adolescence?
  • What are the current salient trends that pose particular challenges and opportunities to adolescents in Hong Kong and how do they respond to these trends?
  • Is globalization a blessing or a curse to human beings?
  • What are the characteristics and trends in the development of globalization?
  • How do people from different parts of the world react to globalization? Why?
Relevant Concepts
  •       International division of labour
  •       Multinational corporations
  •       Economic integration
  •       Local and global culture
  •       Cultural homogenisation
  •       Global citizenship
Note: A number of salient trends in globalization are expected to give rise to new challenges and opportunities to adolescents in Hong Kong. Economic globalization, for example, leads to new career opportunities in multinational corporations or overseas employments. Cultural globalization is expected to give rise to a hybrid of local and global cultures shaping the cultural milieu for adolescence. Global citizenship is also something becoming an essential mindset for adolescents in the age of globalization.
This learning and teaching resource is provided by Department of Sociology,The CUHK.