Modern China←→Energy Technology & the Environment

Relevant Modules, Themes and Questions for Enquiry:
Modern China >China's Reform and Opening-up
  • What impact has reform and opening-up had on the overall development of the country and on people's life?
  • To what extent are sustainable development and cultural conservation feasible in such a rapidly developing country? What are the challenges and opportunities?
Energy Technology and the Environment > Influences of Energy Technology
  • How do energy technology and environmental problems relate to each other?
  • How do energy problems affect international relationships, and the development of countries and societies?
Relevant Concepts
  •       Reform and opening-up
  •       Urbanisation
  •       Market and planned economy
  •       Modernisation and development
Note: China's reform and opening-up, urbanisation, modernisation and rapid economic growth is the background to a major boom in global demands for energy. China's rapid development has contributed created bottlenecks in the supply of energy resources. China would be a very good illustration of how energy problems are shaping global and national developments.
This learning and teaching resource is provided by Department of Sociology, The CUHK.