Globalization←→Public Health

Relevant Modules, Themes and Questions for Enquiry:
  • What are the characteristics and trends in the development of globalization?
  • How do people from different parts of the world react to globalization? Why?
Public Health > Science, Technology and Public Health
  • To what extent does science and technology enhance the development of public health?
  • What challenges do different sectors of society, the government and international organisations have in maintaining and promoting public health?
Relevant Concepts
  •       Global governance
  •       Nation-state and sovereignty
  •       Multilateral organisations
  •       The powerless state
Note: The maintenance and promotion of public health is now a global challenge. The development of global governance institutions and multilateral organisations are increasingly important for this task. In some cases, issues of national sovereignty may also impinge increasingly on the promotion of global public health.
This learning and teaching resource is provided by Department of Sociology, The CUHK.